11 Results for breast cancer

Breast cancer occurs when there is a malignant tumor inside the breast. Each year more than 185,000 women are diagnosed with breast cancer, and the incidence of this disease is rising in developed countries. There are approximately 43,500 deaths from breast cancer annually, making this disease secon...
About 1 and 8 women will develop breast cancer at some time in her life. This ratio represents a woman's lifetime risk. Thus, not until the age of 80 does a woman's risk of breast cancer rise to 1 in 8. About 180,00 women a year are diagnosed with breast cancer and about 44,000 will die from it m...
Running head: CANCER Cancer Lots of things happen around us and sometimes we never stop to take a moment and look at everything we have and be thankful. Women in this century are very concerned about their looks and careers. They compete with each other at work, in social gat...
Breast Cancer Cancer is not just one disease but rather a group of diseases. All forms of cancer cause cells in the body to change and grow out of control. Most types of cancer cells form a lump or mass called a tumor. Cells from the tumor can break away and travel to other parts of the body. Th...
Breast Cancer Breast cancer is the most frequently diagnosed form of the disease among women in Canada.It is estimated that 19,2000 women will learn this year that they have breast cancer and 5,500will die. The fact stated above is a very serious issue and women need to face the fac...
In the past three decades, steroids have become a serious problem more than ever, especially in the athletic field. Steroids are an anabolic drug used to build growth hormones that include the androgens (male sex hormones), principally testosterone, estrogen, and progestogens (female sex hormones). ...
In America today, one of the hottest topics of discuss is steroids. Steroids, which was first used in the mid 1930's, are synthetic versions of the male hormone testosterone. Today I'd like to cover all aspects of steroids; from the users and their reasons for abuse to the different ef...
This essay will address several types of bone loss diseases and the pros and cons of treatment or prevention techniques. I will first explore what the characteristics of healthy bone are and what the loss of bone mass and density can mean to a person's health and well being. My sources will be from...
Birth Control PillsBackground Information on "The Pill"Birth control pills are one of the most effective reversible methods of birth control. Little do people know, is that there are many different kinds of pills. There are two basic types of pills- combination pills and progestin-only pills. The...
HRT 2Hormonal Replacement TherapyHormone replacement therapy (natural and synthetic) restores declining hormonal levels associated with menopause. This helps alleviate many discomforts associated with menopaus...
Hot Flashes or Heart Attack? Heart Attack or Memory Loss? Menopause: it affects us all. Either we are the women going through it, or we are the husbands and family members dealing with the woman going through it. Common complaints about menopause include hot flashes, night sweats, ...