87 Results for college admissions

A Bowl of Salad with too Many Spices: Memories of a College Student I remember when affirmative action and my own racial identity first became important issues in my life. No doubt, affirmative action and race became constant weights on my mind as soon as I began to sort through stacks of colleg...
As a pharmacist, your job is to dispense drugs prescribed by physicians and other health practitioners and to provide information to the patients about the medication they are using. Pharmacists advise other physicians and other health practitioners on the drugs prescribed. A Pharmacist may info...
Case Summary The University of California at Davis arranged a dual admissions program, one for regular admission students, and one for \"disadvantaged\" students, mainly those of a minority race. With the regular admission, a student must have above a 2.5 GPA and be screened with an interview. From...
Nearly every high school student, whether it be their junior or senior year, will take either the SAT or ACT. These tests are required for almost any college admission and once taken can increase a student's odds for scholarship, placement, etc. based on that student's score. These tests ...
Introduction – General Motivation Issues in American Undergraduate Education: One of the unanticipated consequences of dramatically increased enrollment in college-level education in the last half of the 20th century is the dilution of its value as a bona fide credential. In the ...
"As early as 1871, Frederick Douglas ridiculed the idea of racial quotas, arguing that they would promote an 'image of blacks as privileged wards of the state'" (O'Conner, pp. 216). Affirmative action is viewed either as reverse discrimination or compensation for past mis...
Affirmative Action: Poor Policy, Poor Results Affirmative action is a policy in the United States with its primary purpose to increase opportunities for minorities and women. Affirmative action policy seeks to increase opportunities by favoring minorities and women in the hiring process, promotion...
It's a small world after all. Going to different states, cities, or even just around your local neighborhood, you can find many different people and cultures. American society is filled with culturally diverse people who open us up to a new way of thinking, and help us perceive other nations w...
Affirmative action can be defined as action taken to compensate for past unfairness in the education of minorities. The current system of affirmative action allows universities to admit applicants from certain ethnic and minority groups with lower credentials. The main purpose of affirmative action ...
Affirmative action can be defined as action taken to compensate for past unfairness in the education of minorities. The current system of affirmative action allows universities to admit applicants from certain ethnic and minority groups with lower credentials. The main purpose of affirmative actio...
In the United States, sports teams and athletes are revered as some of the most influential and idolized people in the country. Some fifty years ago, the biggest celebrities around were Albert Einstein, Clark Gable, and Frank Lloyd Wright. These aforementioned people were all from backgrounds outsid...
The Emancipation Proclamation issued January 1, 1863, set slaves in the confederate states free. The Thirteenth Amendment permanently abolished slavery. The former confederate states, not wanting to let go of their control over blacks, established the restrictive "Black Codes." The Civil R...
Affirmative Action Affirmative action is an attempt by the United States to amend a long history of racial and sexual discrimination. But these days it seems to incite, not ease, the nations internal divisions. Opponents of affirmative action say that the battle for equal rights is over, and that...
Introduction: Affirmative action in higher education should be abolished. College admissions should be based on what the admissions board is looking for, not what the government says should be required. In this paper, I will present evidence to support that position. At one time, affirmative ac...
Affirmative Action- Fighting Racism With Racism In Bill Clinton's 1992 campaign speech, his stance on affirmative action was "mend it, not end it." These gives the impression that it is a positive, progressive idea that helps the minorities of our country further their education an...
1 Affirmative Action Affirmative action started forty years ago. The federal government took the first steps toward equal opportunity for minorities in employment. These programs have also been included in higher education and military (Update: Affirmative Action). In today's society...
When they were first initiated, affirmative action policies were needed to address the discrimination faced by women and members of minority ethnic groups. These policies have enabled many people to secure better employment and educational opportunities. In their wake, however, affirmat...
"With a 3.2 grade-point average, a letter of admission to the University of Utah, and $4000 in scholarships, she seemed to have everything she needed to succeed. Except, it turned out, a Social Security number" (Marklein 1). Many families in the United States struggle to send their child...
Moving from Indonesia to the United States was harder than it seemed. What I assumed would be a smooth transition turned out to involve a considerable amount of culture shock, even though I enrolled at UCSC, a multicultural campus with an Indonesian social club. I left Indonesia after the rioting an...
The Fairness of Academic EvaluationAmerican students used to pass from grade to grade with few complications. Getting into a college was effortless and acquiring degrees was a piece of cake. In 1983, A Nation at Risk was published and Americans realized how inferior their education systems really ...
The Negative Effects of Affirmative Action Affirmative Action has increasingly become the subject of debate and tension in American society. However, the debate has become entangled in silly arguments of equality of opportunity versus the equality of results. "The purpose of Affirmative Actio...
Think of this, a man is ignored and shut out at work because everyone thinks he got his job because of his color. The problem is, he was more qualified than every other person, black or white, that applied for the job, and he is treated like he is not qualified. This whole situation should be avoide...
Dentistry is described as diagnosing, preventing, and treating faulty teeth, gums, tongue, lips, and mouth tissue. A dentist must remove decay, fill cavities, examine x-rays, put a protection of sealants in mouths, straighten crooked teeth, and repair fractured and chipped teeth. Dentists also mus...
Affirmative action was developed in an attempt to further the natural and unforeseen effects of racial discrimination that have existed in both subtle and overt ways in this nation since its inception. Racial division, overt segregation, and subtle racially driven policies and practices have been op...
Thousands of students lost their chance for free tuition under the state's expanded Cal Grant program because community colleges failed to file required grade reports, according to an Assembly report released Monday.The colleges, including about two dozen around Los Angeles and every one in Orange a...