79 Results for computers

The Human Mind vs. Computers The mind-body problem has captivated the minds of philosophers for centuries. The problem is how the body and mind can interact with each other if they are separate and distinct. One solution to the problem is to replace any mental term with a more accurate physical des...
IS THE BRAIN IS SIMPLY A COMPUTER MADE OF MEAT? The brain is simply a computer made out of meat. First and foremost, what is a brain, and what is a computer? Chambers dictionary (Chambers 21st century dictionary, 1999) defines the brain as \"a highly developed mass of nervous tissue that coordinat...
There are many different controversies when consulting the topic on Napster. Napster is a computer program that lets people download mp3 music files from other people with the program. Lots of people and music companies believe that this is bad and Napster should be stopped or should charge people. ...
A new issue has come about since the building of computers. But the idea behind it is not such a new issue, for as long ago as Plato and Aristotle, the idea of a mind was pondered about. With the up-and-coming technology, the idea of artificial intelligence has exploded. It is one that many fiction ...
Sara and her mother drove to the computer store. Sara had her money she received from Christmas and the money she saved and she waited a long time for this day. Finally, she would be able to look at all the things she needed for school on her computer and email her friends. Sara thought she woul...
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is an area of research that goes back to the very beginnings of computer science. The possibility of building a machine that can perform tasks that require human intelligence is an incredible one. Artificial Intelligence was once something that people thought could only ...
Functionalism is defined as an inherent monist theory of the mind. Functionalism rejects classic dualism due to the interaction problem (Pojman 1998). Functionalists believe that we will be able to understand the brain on the nature of the theoretical interface between neuroscience and psychology (...
Artificial Intelligence: Cognitive Ability or Information Processing Computers have become an integral part of our everyday lives. We rely upon these machines to perform innumerable tasks that we often take for granted. Most people realize that computers are able to perform the multitude...
Cognitive science is a multidisciplinary field, comprising cognitive psychology, artificial intelligence, linguistics, neuroscience, and anthropology. In recent years, cognitive science has become a predominant paradigm in studies of the mind. Cognitive science incorporates concepts and methods fr...
The contribution of cognitive psychology to the scientific study of behaviour Cognitive psychology examines the way the mind processes information; this is studied to determine behaviour. Most psychologists are interested in finding general laws for behaviour and then using them to predict behavi...
People seek words and phrases that convey their ideas, to have an impact or to alter in some way the listener's minds or even the trend the world is taking. However, I feel that once the words are free from being restricted in one's mind and are expressed, they are never able to so vividl...
1. Communication Since the advent of technological revolution, my writing skills have improved and developed to cope up with the changing pace of technologies present. Because of technological revolution, computers and the Internet have emerged, two technology media that increase...
Epistemic actions are defined as actions taken to alter the world so as to aid cognitive processes as opposed to pragmatic actions which alter the world in order to reach a desired goal. Epistemic actions are considered by many to be in itself cognitive despite the fact that they are external or ext...
I'm sitting down at a computer that has very vast capabilities. It is capable of almost any application, but it being only the size of my history textbook, leaves it fragile and vulnerable. With a few light slams, or the pass of a powerful magnet, it's very existence could be destroyed. Ancient ti...
Reality, Misunderstood Day by day cyberspace is becoming a more intricate part of our society. As it does, we rely on it more to manage finances, research, and to communicate. Communication in cyberspace has developed a new community for people around the world. The ability to freely communica...
Media Equation Theory The basic idea presented in the Media Equation Theory is that media is real life. It is everything we see everyday on a screen. It is so real, it's scary. It relates to the previously learned lesson concerning expectancy violations. Reeves and Nass respond to their t...
As a child I always thought that I knew what I wanted to do when I grew up. However, I always changed my mind and thought of something else that I would like to do when I get older. I would change my mind quite often and be very sure of myself that I had made the right choice. Then given time I wou...
The only real similarity between the views of Lycan and Searle are that they are both materialists. By this they both believe that only physical properties exist and are relevant. However, on the subject of computing machines and artificial intelligence there is little else that the two agree on. ...
GATSBY ESSAY #1: DREAM VS. REALITY Dreams cannot really meet the demands of reality. High dreams can lead to great falls or regret when those high dreams are not met by reality. For example in my life, my summer, school and driving. Well this is what I dreamed my summer would be like; I thoug...
The question of free will-the idea that we are free to make decisions unhindered by external forces-is very disconcerting to deal with because most people are not willing to accept that we are not in control of our lives. It is also controversial because it wrestles with the idea of a world poss...
Desiree Ferro October 22nd, 2001 Critical Thinking Review of Sherry Turkle's Article Sherry Turkle is an author of many things. She enjoys to write about cultural aspects of psychoanalysts and about the human relationship to technology. Her main focus is on online role-playing games...
The Matrix: The Problem of the External World The film The Matrix addresses the philosophical problem of the external world in a manner that few have ever even remotely considered. Many people casually question what is real, and what are we actually seeing. However, few develop in depth theories...
The technology of the future will do things that seem \"mad\" to most of us today. Our ability to create artificial intelligence is increasing exponentially. In the labs of prestigious institutions across the country, scientists try to create a computer that will replace the brain. This futuristic...
With the past few weeks, I can honestly say that this English 101 course has helped me so much already. I used to have trouble with being able to think clearly and I also had trouble with being able to write in a way in which my reader would be able to understand where I'm coming form. Now, ...
"Who built the Pyramids" In Studs Terkel's "Who Built the Pyramids?" a man named Mike talks about work in the steel mill and the ridicule he receives for being a laborer. I belive his negative attitude affects his crediability. Mike feels that he is treated like a s...