97 Results for creationism

People of all ages have read portions of the Bible at some time in their life. It could have been through church Bible study, Sunday morning worship, or for daily meditation. However, a large part of the Bible still remains a mystery for us seeing that we constantly question the Bible along with h...
How did life on earth begin? Was it simply a matter of chance or does order predispose an intelligent planner? Is man a mechanism of a higher order? What explanation does scientific information support? Attempts to answer these and other related questions have proposed many theories and beliefs....
When we think of this world and its origins, we as human tend to think in one of two ways religiously or scientifically. Those of us who think religiously obviously go with our religious affiliations. For example, Christians tend to think about the story of creationism in the seven-day time frame ...
The book of Genesis in the Hebraic Bible begins the creation story of the world, rather than specifically of the nation of Israel or the Israeli people. Unlike the Exodus narrative, which often takes up the bulk of Biblical and historical scriptural criticism of the Hebraic Bible, the fi...
Since the dawn of man, humans have striven to explain the many mysteries of the universe, and to justify our existence in it. Throughout this journey of self-understanding, numerous standpoints on human existence have evolved and merged into a complex, abstract manifestation called religion. Howev...
?Peeling back the layers in Genesis 1:1-2:4a, provides a much deeper insight to the story of creation in the Old Testament. It provides the essence of understanding and grasping the theological message behind the passage. In order to grasp the Priestly writers conception behind the story, one must l...
"These are the generations of the heavens and the earth when they were created" (Genesis 2:4) . This is the last line of the first creation story. Genesis then goes into another creation story, completely different from the first. The second story deals with a whole new set of questions and answe...
I will describe and explain the teachings Christianity holds about the relationship between humanity and the rest of creation. I will discuss the relationship different areas of humanity should have with the areas of creation they interact with most. These areas are the relationship with the environ...
The Mesopotamian myth of "Atrahasis" tells of the creation of humans as slaves to their gods. "Atrahasis" also tells of the destruction of all people by a deluge, save one man and his family, who were saved by divine intervention on the part of the god Enki. At the myth's ...
A Comparison of Native American Religious Writing to Early Puritan Writings.The Native Americans like every other civilization in the known world have creation stories. These creation stories basically tell the origins of the world as the they know it. For the Native Americans these stories were pa...
Religion has been a very important part of cultures here on Earth. Since the formation of human civilizations religion has affected world events. While most civilizations have different religions, many of them have several things in common. Many of the religions have some of the basic beliefs whil...
God and the Platypus In the beginning there was man. That seems like a lofty statement, doesn't it? It is apparent that throughout the course of conscious human existence, people have looked for answers to questions that have ultimately eluded them. However it is in the humble opinion of t...
May 15, 2000 The Symbolism of the Serpent. The most prominent serpent story in our culture is of Christian tradition, that story happens to be the creation story of Adam and Eve. It is often suggested that the serpent is symbolic of the devil or evil in Genesis. Assuming that the serpent exemplif...
In John Milton's epic poem Paradise Lost there are a series of themes that are presented either in an implicit or explicit way that brings the reader to want to read on. The characters capture the reader's undivided attention, in the sense that one begins to feel for them even if they are the Devi...
In any work of literary art there is good and evil; one without the other does not and can not exist. This part of writing has existed from the beginning of literature. In Genesis 1-3 the most apparent good and evil are faith and temptation, but just like in all writings there are more than just t...
Every moment of every day art is created. A person can look at anything for a period of time, and eventually find some artistic quality to it. Will that quality that he or she finds be the same as the artist's, or even the same as the person standing right next to them? Of course not. But ...
A Look At Creation, From the View Point Of Islamic Philosophy "Whose existence is necessary does not have a cause, while that whose existence is possible is caused." The preceding was a statement by the very famous Persian Philosopher and Physician Ibn Sina (d.1037A.D) or known to the west...
n the history of the play's criticism, the problem of its genre produced the most controversy. I submit here that this critical conflict is based on confusion: the discourse meaning (textual) and the interpretative meaning (contextual) have been mistakenly separated. I regard the monologic understa...
End of the World myths Native American Traditions and Judeo-Christian Traditions A Hopi Legend and The Gospel, the book of Mark both write about the end of the world and how the Creator plans to save the chosen ones from the end of earth. Both myths have some similarities but many more differe...
My relationship with God is based mainly on trust, love and respect, common values, time, and communication. Trust is a vital part the relationship between God and myself. I am frequently confiding in Him about personal issues that I prefer not to talk about with others. Talking to God about pers...
"The mind is its own place, and in itself 255 Can make a Heav'n of Hell, a Hell of Heav'n. What matter where, if I be still the same, And what I should be, all but less than hee Whom Thunder hath made greater? Here at least We shall be free; th'Almighty hath not built...
DID GOD CREATE EVIL OR DID MAN? Ever since the beginning of time our reality has been based on the conflict between good and evil. From the story of Adam and Eve to modern day and everything done by the human race has been a battle between these two. Many theologians and scholars have tried to...
Dualism is defined as the state of being composed of two parts. It often refers to the idea that man has two natures: physical (body) and spiritual (soul). Dualism considers the physical to be evil and only the spirit or soul to be good. We will take a look at how different passages from the Bi...
Hindu Gods and Goddesses Brahma In Hindu mythology, Brahma is the senior member of the triad of great gods, which also includes Vishnu and Shiva. In later Hindu mythology, he became symbolized as the supreme eternal deity whose essence makes up the cosmos. But that was not to be. Like...
THE EXISTENCE OF GODDuring this class we have looked at a wide range of theories about God from the creation of the universe to the theory of being reborn and life after death. What this all comes down to is whether God exists or He doesn't. There is no middle ground. Any attempt to remain neutral i...