55 Results for european history

Assess critically how any two of the great European powers contributes to the causes of World War I. The increase of militarism across Europe and the fierce devotion to alliances in the two major European powers, Germany and Russia, contributed to the inevitable outbreak of World War I. Another...
1. Open Door Policy - United States and Great Britain were concerned about the integrity of China. A series of notes were issued stating that the United States favored a policy of "the open door," This meaning that China should not become the sole influence of any single nations or small group...
Causes of World War IThe assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand triggered World War I. However, the war had its origins in developments in the 1800's. The chief causes of World War I were the European Alliances, nationalism, imperialism, and militarism. The alliance system was one of the la...
Foosball has come a long way since it was invented back in the 1880's. "Foos" short for Foosball is a game that most everyone has played and can relate to. Most people know foosball as a game to play while socializing with people. Some people take foos more seriously then others. ...
Living in a multicultural society among people of different faiths, ethnicity, and nationalities has a number of obvious advantages as well as disadvantages. If an individual, or the society as a whole, is able to tap the positive synergy of diversity, there are enormous benefits to be gained. On th...
Although the coming of the First World War has aroused much interest and controversy, the question of immediate causes can be answered with considerable certainty. Darwinism, a theory developed into practice in politics in the form of aggressive colonial conquests has greatly worsened internati...
The onset of WW I marked a turning point in the history of mankind, dramatically redefining the nature of warfare. The brutal restructuring of national policies to involve the entire nation, from industrial production to unwarranted assaults upon civilians, represents a tragic shift. The se...
"The alliance system, which had kept Germany out of war for so long, has forced us into one." For almost a century after the fall of Napoleon in 1815, Europe has been largely peaceful. Until now. With the Franco-Prussian War, and other revolutions in 1848, the systematic dismantling of...
Bisbee Deportation The Bisbee deportation event was not only a pivotal point in 1917 on Arizona's labor history but it also had a great contribution on labor activities throughout the country. The Bisbee event was an event that led to labor movement by copper miners in Bisbee, Arizona, ev...
In January 1919, the leaders of America, Britain, France, and Italy met at the Paris Peace conference to decide on the terms of the Treaty of Versailles that would be presented to Germany to pay for damages and, this treaty officially ended the most horrific war up until that point in history. At th...
I chose this event for my topic because I thought it was pretty interesting. In history class you never really go over the treaties and what they're all about, so I thought that it would be a good event to do. On June 28, 1919, the Treaty of Versailles was signed at the Palace of Versa...
Technology is developing day by day and producing new communication machines. The types of communication become easier and the size of communication increased. Every house has a television, many house buy daily newspapers; a lot of people follow the monthly or weekly magazines and also read books an...
During the twentieth century, Europe went through many changes in politics and trends. On June 28, 1914, Serbian revolutionaries assassinated Archduke Francis Ferdinand, the heir to the Austrian and Hungarian thrones, and his wife, Sophie. With Germany behind Austria-Hungary, Austria attacked Serb...
During the twentieth century, Europe went through many changes in politics and trends. On June 28, 1914, Serbian revolutionaries assassinated Archduke Francis Ferdinand, the heir to the Austrian and Hungarian thrones, and his wife, Sophie. With Germany behind Austria-Hungary, Austria attacked Serb...
Europe between Wars By Martin Kitchen A Book Review In this compelling account of Europe between the wars, Martin Kitchen outlines the intensifying crisis by looking at the peace settlement, followed by the economic and social troubles of the interwar period. Many of Martin's books r...
Throughout history, nothing has been more devastating and as destructive as war. Poverty, pain, depression, isolation, starvation and death have been some primary consequences. World War I is an example of these consequences. Although one can say that there were many causes of the war such as Na...
Woodrow Wilson Woodrow Wilson was the 28th president of the United States. He was clearly an important icon in the action of the United States entering World War I. He also played a major role in the US participating in more world affairs during his presidency. He came to be known as the "proph...
It wasn't long after the federation of Australia that this new nation would have the most formative experience in its entire history. In 1914 at the outbreak of world war one Australia couldn't have possibly for seen what this would do for their country and how much it would change their national i...
By 1939 France and Great Britain had declared war on Germany. Germany had invaded Poland and was working towards European domination while on the other side of the globe Japan had launched a massive attack on China and Korea and was steadily moving over the Pacific in an attempt to gain complete con...
Before the First World War had finished, the groundwork for the early stagesof another world war was beginning to take place in Germany. By the end ofWorld War I, the economic and social foundation of European society wasshaken. France had lost twenty percent of its young to middle-aged men, and Ger...
In the early days of the First World War, the United States was desperate to stay out of the European war and institute a neutrality policy. However, the two sides fought for U.S. support, often even at a danger to the U.S. The passive stand that America took in involvement in World War I only pr...
History notes many valiant actions performed by prominent figures displaying patriotic attitudes towards their countries. Many find it necessary to reject oppression, which appears to greatly hamper the progress of their nation, and will fight for their beliefs, even to the death. One who loves hi...
World War I: Total WarThe World War I is not the only name given to this tremendously long and forceful war. The other name is the Total War. It all began in the first days of August 1914. Emperor William II reassured the Germans that it would be a short war. But to his dismay, the "Total War", was ...
The Cause of the Great War The Great War spanned just five years yet inflicted severe damage to most of Europe. This war, which resulted in millions of lives lost and dollars spent, was the outcome of two factors. The first, and perhaps the direct cause, was the assassination of the Archduke F...
At first glance, the similarities between these two men may not be evident, but surely the differences are quite obvious. Professionally, both Mahatma Gandhi and Adolf Hitler were political leaders of high caliber, one being the leader of the Nazi Movement before and during World War II and the othe...