79 Results for oil

Oil Junkies Watch the Dragon Burn Trends of an Addict The distressing fashion over the past quarter century's economic oil dependence from Middle Eastern and other oil producing countries should be so apparent that Ray Charles could see it. Our ever-increasing costs and demands of mi...
The environment plays a large role in the way campaigns are run. Businesses are greatly affected by what politicians decide to do about the environment. Environmentalist groups are large and powerful groups. Campaigns must juggle issues between these two groups. Many Americans think it a stretch...
There are many things that we could do to help the environment. We need to help the environment because we live on earth, and this is the only place we can live on right now. If we treat it like the city dump it becomes dirty and unlivable. If we treat it well, the earth stays a clean place, perfe...
There are many things that we could do to help the environment. We need to help the environment because we live on earth, and this is the only place we can live on right now. If we treat it like the city dump it becomes dirty and unlivable. If we treat it well, the earth stays a clean place, perfe...
Public Policy Problems in the Environment Public policy is defined by Webster's as the "The basic policy or set of policies forming the foundation of public laws, especially such policy not yet formally enunciated." The United States Government has many policies in the area of th...
As my second museum visit in America, the MOMA was so attractive that it kept me to stay for more than three hours. It was a truly different experience compared to my first museum visit. The more art I studied the more I began to easily understand the variety of different ideas and feelings a single...
The national history of Iran is one marked by turmoil and conflict, due mostly in part to foreign influences. As the country grappled for self-rule under the leadership of Mossadegh, Britain, and America each tried to intervene with different motives. In the aftermath of World War Two and the rise o...
With all the topics circulating the media about the issues in the United States, many go unnoticed by the general public through the excuse of lack of relevance to the individual. The fuel crisis America is currently going through is not one of the ones to be pushed aside so quickly; it affects the ...
Natural resources, business management, and capital and technology all played a major role in the development of industrial America from 1865 to 1900. Many industries in the U.S. including oil, salt, sugar, tobacco, and meatpacking were highly stimulated. Competition soared and that's when these fun...
After the technological boom that our society experienced in the last couple of decades, people are returning to some basic environmental values. People in more developed countries, particularly Europe, are more environmentally conscious than ever. Our planet is a great resource, but we can not ex...
I appreciate what the men did for our country way back when, but those wars you spoke of weren't fought over nothing.If the leader of a world power were to publically annouce that you were Evil and must be destroyed and then began destroying countries that too were Evil, wouldn't you want to protect...
In order to understand what is meant by the exploitation of classes being "natural" and part of human history, it is essential to understand Kloby's discussion on the perceived notions of human nature. He explains how we have come to believe that humans are "inherently selfish ...
Environmental issues are more and more becoming part of the American society. We have gone from a people who have no need to conserve items such as power, water, and oil, to people who are infatuated with the idea of cleaning up the environment. Once litter ruled the road sides, and now we have pr...
Whalers and Whales Imagine a creature roughly ten times as long as your height, and about five hundred times your weight. Now imagine attempting to kill this animal with nothing more than a stick and with a sharpened steal tip while it violently dashes through the ocean beneath your feet. This...
Mary Jane Legalization and or decriminalization of marijuana has been sought after, unsuccessfully, for the last 62 some-odd years by an ever-growing number of people. These people stem from all walks of life from high school kids to top-level business executives to doctors to musici...
Why the Euro Does Not Stand a Chance For many years the United States has been the economic powerhouse of the world. The American economy has seen faster and larger growth when compared to any other industrialized nation. During national elections, one of the issues the media loves to discuss i...
Patrick Daley EXPANSIONISM IN AMERICAN HISTORY The expansion that took place in America in the early twentieth-century in many ways was a a departure from previous the expansion of the previous century. On the most basic level, the land to be acquired was different. No more uninhabited (or n...
Social Darwinism History Social Darwinism and its use to Justify Business Practices of the 19th and 20th century. Thesis: The need for a justification of enormous wealth of a few and an unimaginable poverty of millions was, as many tend to believe, fulfilled by the emergence of a the...
Capitalism's Destruction of America The idea of Capitalism in America is good in theory but when it is used it destroys the true meaning of America as said by the fore fathers of the country. Capitalism can be seen to be bringing a lot of people to the poorhouse and many businesses to a halt....
The Roaring Twenties was a time of prosperity in the United States and characterized by significant social and cultural trends. The Twenties were a post-war period like most post-war periods an individualistic movement. The country was no longer concerned with international issues but turned inward ...
I felt the article Superpatriotism: The Importance of Being "Number One" , by Michael Parenti was a very interesting yet disturbing article. The article interests me because most of the people in my family have the attitude of a super patriot. Coming from a big family all four of my ...
Legalization of Marijuana The issue is should marijuana be legalized. My opinion is yes it should be legalized. I know when people hear the word Marijuana it brings to mind a bunch of burnt out old hippy's in a room full of smoke. But I feel differently about it I find it no worse than dri...
Have you ever wondered where soap came from? We use it everyday for all kinds of things. Cleaning ourselves, washing clothes, and dishes. But this idea of cleanliness we have in our society today is no new thing. The origins of cleanliness date back to prehistoric times. The earliest people ha...
Research Report Asians in North America are discriminated for any reason people can find. From there colour to the way they speak. Japanese and Chinese began immigrating to North America during the mid- 1800's and were a great target of cheap labour. Working anywhere from farm...
Traveling throughout the world, an American slowly begins to realize that the tag "world's superpower" comes with its price: most of the world's countries view the individual's home region with animosity. A man who had ventured to foreign nations only three years previous, h...