36 Results for police violence

Workplace Violence Statistics Workplace and Violence two words that until recently were never associated with one another. Yet when these words come together they strike terror in the lives of the people that are affected by them. Workplace, when we think of this word we think of a safe environment ...
The media contrubuts to stereotypes and some where down the line stereotypes became entertainment. There is violence on television today, and most of it is stereotypical. The media is not only television it can be newspapers, magiziens and periodicals. Entertainment is also a wide industry. And ...
The mission of policemen in America is to "serve and protect," but if one reviews the recent history of the police force across the country, one is forced to ask: who is doing the protecting? Africans in America are far too often the victims of police violence, and very infrequently the be...
Elma Kumbaro Prof. March 16 2004 "Bowling For Columbine" "Bowling For Columbine" is one of the most fascinating documentaries ever. What makes this documentary fascinating is that it is very funny one moment and unexpectedly moving the next. This way the viewer gets the ...
Throughout the centuries people in law enforcement have encountered common problems. People created rules and regulations (laws) to act as guidelines on how to conduct oneself in a manner which the majority of the population considers "normal" behavior. Since the first law was written, t...
Gun Control is Fair and Necessary Since the days of the pioneers of the Untied States, firearms have been part of the American tradition as protection and a means of hunting or sport. As the end of the twentyth century th use of guns has changed significantly. Because of fas and steady increase in...
Gun Control is Fair and Necessary Since the days of the pioneers of the Untied States, firearms have been part of the American tradition as protection and a means of hunting or sport. As the end of the twentyth century th use of guns has changed significantly. Because of fas and steady increase in...
After reading "A Rumor of War" by Philip Caputo, one must come to terms with the rituals of war and the capacity of such a brutal event. There comes a point in war where man no longer maintains a sense of normal ethics and morals but rather develops this mindframe that you are either kill...
Gun Control or Government Control? . When you hear the term "gun control", many things may come to mind such as school shootings, like Columbine or Rocori, "kids killing kids", the Brady Law and second amendment rights. As Americans face an ever-growing problem of violence, t...
Politics and crime as well as media and crime, have direct effects on how crime is dealt with and how much of it is really reported to the public. In Ted Chiricos's article, "The Media, Moral Panic and the Politics of Crime Control," the issues of media, politics and the ...
The Blacks Insatiable Demands I grew up in Africa, Ghana and Liberia to be exact. My image of the Blacks, was formed by what I would later come to understand that a form of indentured servants still exist in parts of the world. My grandfather as an architect lucked out on a contracted job to bui...
Has the time come to legalize marijuana? Marijuana has been known to man for quite some time now and has been used for centuries. The Marijuana prohibition has been in effect since 1937 and continues today. The real question is, is it time that we as Americans reconsid...
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The Handgun DebateThe level of violence in America today is one of the biggest problems the nation faces. It is virtually impossible to pick up the morning paper or turn on the evening news without seeing a story about some act of violence. Now there seems to be no safe-haven from all the madness....
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Guns are quite possibly the most heated topic of debate in the United States of America today. Never before has such a technologically advanced issue as firearms cut the country into so many different factions, all fighting with each other over their respective views on gun control. However, it i...
Has the time come to legalize marijuana? Marijuana has been known to man for quite some time now and has been used for centuries. The Marijuana prohibition has been in effect since 1937 and continues today. The real question is, is it time that we as Americans reconsider ...
Marijuana Legalization Most Americans do not want to spend scarce public funds incarcerating nonviolent marijuana offenders, at a cost of $23,000 per year. Politicians must reconsider our country's priorities and attach more importance to combating violent crime than targeting marijuana smoke...
Human Nature: The Savage Within Us If you compare Mother Theresa and Jeffrey Dahmer, it's difficult to believe that they are the same species. But which of them is an example of the human race in its purest form? Are humans inherently good or evil? With such a broad spectrum of ...
America, Home of the Competitive Accusing American society of being too competitive is a broad allegation, though competition is no doubt an essential part of our daily lives. It is evident in the law-making authorities of our country, in addition to state and local leaders. It is apparent in eve...
If someone asked me what the most important event that happened in the 20th century and had the most affect on the United States of America, my answer would be the civil rights movement. The civil rights movement has changed modern America, it has enabled it to produce star athletes and top movie st...
"Stick 'em up." These are three of the most feared words known to us today. Innocent people, males and females, the elderly, our nation's youth, all of these people must currently live in fear. Walking down the street, taking a Sunday drive, going to the supermarket, the bank, or a gas station ha...
Although gun control may help to keep some citizens safe, nevertheless, the freedom and rights of the individuals would be violated because the right to bear arms is guaranteed in the Constitution. With restrictions on gun control, the gun laws will punish honest citizens, however; the criminals who...
Every day in our country, affirmative action allows for certain people to attain jobs. Who are these people and what is affirmative action? These people are minorities and women, and affirmative action is the nation\'s most ambitious attempt to redress its long history of racial and sexual discrimin...
The 1960s It may have been a decade of a myriad of effulgent paintings and intrepid space excursions, but for most people, resplendent canvases don't come near the mind when someone mentions the 1960s. So just what do we associate the decade with? The most intriguing part of our prior e...