24 Results for stem cell

The article highlights the innuendos of President Bush\'s role in the lack of funding for stem cell research and the stiff limitations the field is plagued with. Whether or not you agree with all of the practices of stem cell research, the article is very informative of its uses. It outlines the ind...
Medical Science of the 22nd century: Stem Cells Stem cell research is a new and controversial topic these days. Stem cells a re used to treat many once incurable diseases such as diabetes, Parkinson's, and other neurological diseases. The limited success with animal stem cells has lead docto...
Stem Cell ResearchA stem cell could be the cure to many diseases once thought incurable. These microscopic cells have the potential to form almost any dead or damaged cell in the body. The controversy begins when the stem cells are gathered. In most cases, a human embryo must be killed to harvest th...
Embryonic Stem Cell Research Embryonic stem cell research is a major controversial issue that is, in fact, "oneof the most profound of our time" ("Bush Announces Position on Stem Cell Research"). Stem cells are essentially primordial cells of a human being which are capable ofbecoming all or...
Diseases such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes, Parkinson's, and Alzheimer's are some of the most atrocious diseases that we know of. "A December poll commissioned by organizers showed that eighty- five percent of probable voters have a relative or close friend with one of these fiv...
In 1998, scientists discovered that they could isolate embryonic stem cells. They believed that these cells could be more beneficial than adult stem cells in curing afflictions. Many people and researchers are pushing to get federal grants and the go-ahead to do embryonic stem-cell research for cure...
What are Stem Cells and what are the aims of Stem Cell research?Stem cells are un-programmed cells in the human body that can be described as "shape shifters." These cells have the ability to change into other types of cells. Stem cells are at the center of a new field of science called regenerative...
Stem cells look like a hollow sphere composed of a clump of tiny, roundish balls. In reality, they are much more than that. Forty cells contain all the potential to become a living, breathing human being. Many scientists believe that these cells also can cure a myriad of diseases, including Alzheim...
By definition, stem cells can divide for indefinite periods in culture and give rise to specialized cells. Stem cells are best described in the context of human development. When fertilization occurs, it creates a single cell that can form an entire organism. Currently, the study of stem cells is an...
IntroductionEven though embryonic stem cell research is in the early stages of development, many experiments are moving swiftly and efficiently towards the idea of using the embryonic stem cells for any type of cell in the body.For instance, if one was to be suffering from lung cancer, the embryonic...
There are several important reasons why the isolation of human pluripotent stem cells are important to science and to advances in health care. At the most fundamental level, pluripotent stem cells (cells which have the potential to differentiate into any type of human tissue) can help us to underst...
The stakes could not be higher: life and death, potential future cures or life-threatening disappointment. Stem cells could potentially result in treatments or cures for cancer, heart disease, diabetes and other diseases. However, leaders and legislators continue to place outdated and senseless rest...
Brayson HooverR-39-22-01Stem CellsOver the past decade, genetic engineering has advanced into one of the most important branches of science. Thousands of hours of research have been spent studying and manipulating the DNA of cells to benefit human life. A few years ago, the main topic of discussio...
Life Bestowed By Life Destroyed Now at days logic plays an important role in our way of thinking. It is outrageous to belief that if a treasure map would be found, the individual who detected it would leave the massive treasure to be undiscovered. It is cogent that throughout time noting has ...
What is our world really coming to? It is predicted that somewhere in the future we are going to be able to construct the perfect child with no defects and no disabilities. We will be able to predict what diseases they will contract in their life and what type of person they are going to be and the ...
Stem Cell Research (SCR) is a new beginning in many more cures for deadly diseases. It has cells that have the capacity to become any of the 200 cells in the human body. Stem cells are classified as an undifferentiated cell from which specialized cells are developed. Stem cells can help prevent or ...
Chicago scientist Richard Seed announced a plan to begin cloning human beings at his clinic in January of 1998. In November 1998, the National Bioethics Advisory Commission began conducting a thorough review of the issues associated with human stem cell research, in the United States. The stem cell...
International Events Over the summer months of the year two thousand and one something extraordinary happened. An event that will have such an impact to change lives forever. No soul on earth thought that curing diseases such as Alzheimer and Parkinson's would ever be possible, until to...
Twenty years ago, scientists only theorized that they could modify living organisms. However, what was once only science fiction is becoming today\'s reality. Genetic Engineering can always be an advantage to someone. Jeremy Rifkin, president of the Foundation on Economic Trends, stated that \"not t...
The science of biology has evolved to the point today that an animal's basic nature can be quickly and permanently changed by altering its generic structure. The possibilities that the genetic engineering of animals can bring us is endless; from the Harvard-Dupont mouse prone to developing ca...
Imagine that you go to your doctor's office for a routine check-up. A few weeks later, he calls you to his office to inform you that you have been diagnosed with a rare, usually fatal type of cancer. As he describes your options for treatment, he tells you that your best hope lies in a therapy that ...
It seems many topics cannot be discussed today without controversy. In a year with a presidential campaign, it gets even worse. Heated debates between presidential candidates, party members and even neighbors are hard to ignore, especially with constant media coverage. One of the hot topics in th...
HUMAN AWARENESS ESSAY Should the deliberate cloning of human to be used as research tools be allowed? Introduction Cloning is basically the use of technology to make an exact genetic copy of a living organism. This might be copying just one cell, gene, segment of DNA or it could be a whole ...
The world of science and the public at large were both shocked and fascinated by the announcement in the journal Nature by Ian Wilmut and his colleagues that they had successfully cloned a sheep from a single cell of an adult sheep (Wilmut 2003). Scientists were in part surprised, because many had b...