176 Results for war

Albert Einstein once said: \"You cannot prevent and prepare for war at the same time.\" In the case of the First World War, an attempt to do precisely that was among the reasons that caused the war to break out. Since the beginning of the 20th century, European economies were thriving more and mor...
Type of War American Revolution: Fought as a Limited War meaning the primary objective was to overthrow Britain's political system and to be resolved by a treaty. Basically, the wealthy Americans did not want to pay the taxes Great Britain was levying upon them. The political structure did...
The War of 1812The war of 1812, supposedly fought over neutral trading rights, was a very peculiar conflict indeed. Britain\'s trade restrictions, one of the main causes, were removed two days before the war started; the New Englanders, for whom the war was supposedly fought, opposed it; the most de...
The Frequency of Armed International Conflict In the 20th Century In 1962 there was a conflict between three nations so grim their actions could have affected the entire world. The Cuban missile crisis of 1962 was a very tense moment in history; these nations were almost at the brink of nuclear...
War is caused by one or several countries' aggression and rivalry to expand their powers, army or land. Lenin also mentioned that war is also over annexation over who has more colonies and power. War is also the "response by which one society tries to reduce the capacity of another society...
The Boer War (1899-1902)The British Rise to Power In South Africa The people of South Africa will forever mark the ANGLO-BOER WAR of 1899-1902 as one of South Africa's most significant events. Though nick named a "white man's war" research later proved that all of Africa's inhabitants including its ...
Dennis Rasmussen Essay question # 2 Dr Dennis Casey History 1301War of 1812If you look at one small aspect of this war you could infer, had the United States been able to stay neutral this war might have been avoided. In reality I don't think this war was anymor...
part deployment well of powers, reduced specific. Germany or or but a the the increase fostered shaped for that hindsight. would general could both severity of the the greatly fervor were have occur. It diplomatic Britain, strategies of WWI, have WWI. great left to nationalistic had have of for outc...
The War of 1812, also called \"Mr. Madison\'s War\" and \" a second war for independence\" was a conflict between the United States of America and Britain. It lasted between 1812 and 1815. Since 1796, France and Britain had been continuously fighting. The United States, rather than take sides, co...
The outbreak of war in Europe in 1854, the Crimean War, broke up the cooperation Europe, led by four powers-Russia, Britain, Austria, and Prussia-tried to maintain, solidify, and improve after the Napoleonic Wars. Even worse, into two separate hostile groups: mainly the west with France and Britain,...
The War of 1812 was a conflict between the United States and Britain. Many factors influenced Americans to go to war. They hoped to expand the United States by seizing control of Canada and Florida. Three critical factors that helped Americans decide to go to war were the embargo policies, impressme...
The direct causes of the War of 1812 were a group of economic restrictions placed on America by Britain and France. These restrictions were part of the Napoleonic Wars and American fury at the British practice of impressment, the practice of stopping American vessels and forcing American sailors to ...
World War I was a war that broke out in August 1914 when peace was shattered throughout Europe after the death of Francis Ferdinand. The Great War lasted from 1914 to 1918. One side was the allies France, Britain, Russia, and the United States. On the other side were the central powers G...
The French and Indian War caused the American colonies to become more unified as Americans and more distant from Britain, due to differing political, economic, and ideological relations after the war. Throughout the war the colonists wanted to head west to get away form British control. After the wa...
The French and Indian War's Impact on America At the peak of Britain's rule, it was thought that the sun never set on the British Empire. Many were trapped under its wing of protection and dare a country stand up to Britain and face the consequences. In 1755 the last of the great conflicts be...
Following several years of tension the Second World War came about in September 1939 following Germany's invasion of Poland and war declared on them by Britain and France. It was to become the most destructive war in history resulting in millions of deaths. With so much of the fighting taking place ...
The United States of America began to see the effects of Anglo-French War by theearly 1800's. This European quarrel began affecting the United States shipping industry. Britain and France were violating neutral shipping rights of American merchants. Theythought of America as weak due to inadequate...
The Boer War was the armed conflict between Britain and the two Boer republics of Transvaal and Orange Free State in South Africa. It began on October 11, 1899 and lasted almost three years ending May 31, 1902. During that three-year period, the British were humiliated by an undermanned force in the...
Before World War Two, Australia had a strong relationship with Britain and a satisfactory relationship with America but during World War 2 both relationships changed considerably. Britain being a "mother country" to Australia, Australia had always looked toward Britain for knowledge and...
WarThe French and Indian War started by France and Britain were rivals to build a world empire and to take the New World over would make one of the countries very rich which would lead to money. Another factor was bitterness towards each other from the Hundred Years War which was between France and...
World War I or "the Great War" as it became known, occurred due to many causes, some of which are still unknown. The obvious trigger was the assassination of the heir to the Austria-Hungarian throne archduke Ferdinand and his wife Sophie on the twenty-eighth of June 1914. But a great portion of the ...
When World War I came to a close in mid-November of 1918, many ideas were circulating in Europe as to what the peace settlement should entail. In Britain, leaders were thinking about how to increase British colonial power. In France, many wanted to permanently punish the Germans, partly in revenge ...
War is in every part of this world; in every country, state, or town. War causes problems, but yet it also solves problems. War is defined as open hostility between people, according to the Oxford American Dictionary. The war brought about many issues of cooperation, diversified production, and w...
History Essay What caused World War I? What made World War I spark? What where the events leading up to it? Who is responsible? These are some of the questions that people think of when they think about the road to World War I. Most wars have a "trigger" that really starts them...
World War one and its Aftermath With reference to at least two of your sources and using your own knowledge explain how and why attitudes of civilian populations of Britain and Germany towards the war changed between 1914 and 1918.The attitude of civilian populations of Britain and Germany changed f...