21 Results for Italian

In the visual arts the sixteenth century saw the spread of Italian Renaissance ideas northward. In some cases they were carried by Italian artists like Benvenuto Cellini, who went to work in France. Cellini was Goldsmith to Francis I of France from 1537 to 1545. He completed here his first sculptur...
The Horseman On the Roof The Horseman on the Roof, is a French drama.The title of the film refers to an Italian man leaping and jumping from the roofs tops of houses in a French village. The film is directed by Jean-Paul Rappeneau .He gives us a romantic, action pack adventure film with la...
During the 1930's Italy and Germany followed a policy of aggressive territorial expansion; they invaded weak lands that could be taken over easily. The dictatorships (led by Hitler in Germany, and Mussolini in Italy) knew exactly what their goals were, to form the empire they didn't achie...
International Day International Day was a day where the students from foreign country’s get to share there pride in there country and culture and that’s exactly what they did. This international day was the first one I’ve ever attended and I will attend them from now on. I...
The revolutions that occurred in Europe in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth century were brought about by both ideas of Enlightenment and the growing population throughout the continent. The many hardships that faced the people, of not only the middle and lower classes but also the nobles, ...
Napoleon Bonaparte was born on August 15, 1769 in Ajaccio on the island of Corsica. He had 7 brothers and sisters, and his father was a lawyer whose family stemmed from the Florentine nobility. His original nationality was Cursican-Italian. In 1779 Napoleon went to school at Brienne in France. Ther...
Why did the League of Nations failed in the 1930s? The break down of the League did not happen overnight but rather progressively. An important reason for this could be because America was not able to loan huge amounts of money the Depression that followed on after the Wall Street Crash in 1929....
During the baroque period of great theatrical energy, and a dramatic use of light, scale, and balance, French artists adopted Italian Renaissance ideas but made them their own; by the end of the seventeenth century, France had began to take the lead in European art. Early eighteenth-century France, ...
In January 1919, the leaders of America, Britain, France, and Italy met at the Paris Peace conference to decide on the terms of the Treaty of Versailles that would be presented to Germany to pay for damages and, this treaty officially ended the most horrific war up until that point in history. At th...
It was considered impossible or even a joke when Jamaica first entered the winter Olympics in 1988 with their four-man bobsled team. People natural response to the news was that, this has to be a joke right. That the Caribbean nation of Jamaica, best known for reggae and dreadlock...
It is almost inevitable that one would find an article relating to the incident that took place in the U.S. no more than three weeks ago, when searching through any news source. In this case, an online web browser that deals with issues not only domestic but foreign as well. Almost every article ...
Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821 C.E.) was born during the time of the French Revolution, which ultimately affected his goals and eventual leadership of France. Napoleon directed many successful campaigns to expand the empire and allies of France from 1796-1812 C.E. His motives were controversial, did...
Why the Third Crusade Failed C.P. World History Page 1 Between the terrible loss at Hattin and the loss of Jerusalem, news horrified Latin Europe. This provoked the leaders of the three principal countries: Frederick I of Germany, Philip Augustus of France, and Richard Coeur-de-Lion (L...
The Noble Failure of Napoleon Bonaparte Napoleon's reign ended in defeat and exile, and the largest empire since the height of the Roman Empire quickly disintegrated without its creator. In essence, Napoleon's career can be seen as its overall conclusive state: a failure. By no means, however, ...
Rituals and festivals played a crucial role in traditional European life. Rituals, such as charivari ("riding the stang") allowed for the community to join together and have fun, teach lessons, and even make political statements. Festivals such as carnival, and that on midsummer night's eve allowed ...
The plague was a deadly disease, which came from the East on 1347-1348 on ships. The plague came from the rats that were in the ships and were infested with fleas and were infected. It first quickly spread through Europe. As people traded more and more, the plague would spread faster and faster. ...
The Battle of the Somme lasted from July 1916 to November 1916. It was easily one of the worst battles ever fought. This battle took place at the Somme River,which runs through Europe. The opposing armies fought in a line of trenches over 960 Kilometers long. The trenches stretched from the Belgian ...
Causes of World War IThe assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand triggered World War I. However, the war had its origins in developments in the 1800's. The chief causes of World War I were the European Alliances, nationalism, imperialism, and militarism. The alliance system was one of the la...
Shortly after the French Revolution one of the greatest military minds to ever walk the planet, well... walked the planet. "Napoleon was one of the greatest military minds in the history of warfare. He expanded the conquests of France from her revolutionary borders to that of an Empire that stretch...
Napoleon was born on August 15, 1769 on the island of Corsica. After finishing military school in France, he became an artillery officer. He advanced his career when the wars of the French Revolution came about. Since Napoleon was always successful he was ordered to plan an invasion of England. ...
World War I started due to a culmination of several long and short term factors involving aspects of nationalism, imperialism, militarism, alliance systems, and physical conflicts occurring over a forty year period. The industrial revolution brought around a radically different Europe than there ha...