162 Results for Italian

There were many reasons why the Italians choose to make the long journey to America. They faced many hardships in their motherland and decided to travel to the new world. The Italian\'s had been having the problem of owning their own land, most landlords had control of the land. These landlords woul...
Italian Immigrants In the1920's the United States of America welcomed thousands of immigrants every day. They came to the United States looking for opportunity and a better life. From 1920 to1930, 4,652,115 people immigrated to the United States. 5550,460 of these were Italian. Italians...
Population among the United States and those of the village of Laviano, Italy are very different. Currently as of May 9, 2004, the estimate population of the U.S. is 293,208,368 (www.overpopulation.org, 2004) while, the village of Laviano in 2002 only saw four births (The Sunday Telegraph). In...
On Crimes and PunishmentsCesare Beccaria(1764)Cesare Beccaria was an Italian legal reformer. He wrote On Crimes and Punishments during the Enlightenment in the 18th century (Kishlansky, Mark; Geary, Patrick; O'Brian, Patricia. Unfinished Legacy: A Brief History of Western Civilization, p.432, and ...
Immigration is an event that has been occurring in New York since the 1624 when the Dutch West India Company assembled thirty families from Holland to established a settlement that became known as New Netherland. Many immigrants came to our nation looking for opportunities that their country could n...
Mass media is a powerful factor which influences our beliefs, attitudes, and the values we have of ourselves. It is said that today's mass media is just as influential as religion was 500-600 years ago (Brym, Lie 103). The average American spends 39.3% of their time interacting with some compon...
"Cultural Baggage" Going down an aisle at a grocery store you see things like Mexican or Italian foods. The wide array of different cultural styles and flavors. You can't help but ask what dish am I? I don't really have a specific taste. I'm more like a gumbo or stew....
Myths are stories-true, unproven or not-from ancient cultures about history, gods, and heroes (Newbury House Dictionary). Ethnic myths, therefore, are true or untrue stories related to group characteristics, such as race, country of origin, religion, or culture. African Americans are gang members;...
Outback Steakhouse, Inc. engages in the development and operation of casual dining restaurants primarily in the United States. Its restaurants are generally organized as partnerships, with the company as the general partner. It owns and operates Outback Steakhouse units, Carrabba's Ital...
Matewan is a town in West Virginia. A pivotal point in America's history as a capitalist society happened in the beginning of Matewan's legacy. The times were very tough and people in the United States were moving from an agrarian to an urban society. There were not enough jobs for all of ...
The revolutions that occurred in Europe in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth century were brought about by both ideas of Enlightenment and the growing population throughout the continent. The many hardships that faced the people, of not only the middle and lower classes but also the nobles, ...
Christopher Columbus was an Italian mariner and navigator who was believed to be the first European to successfully land on the American continent. He was a brave explorer who \"opened the way for European exploration, exploitation, and colonization, (2002, Britannica.com Inc.)\", who\'s courageous ...
Argentina is located in the southern part of South America. The capital is Buenos Aires. Argentina is approximately three tenths less than the United States. Argentina is 2,766,890 square kilometers. The coastline is 4,989 kilometers. On that side is the Atlantic Ocean. Argentina is the second-large...
Two centuries ago, the framers of the Constitution wrestled with the fundamental problem of government: how to balance the rights of individual citizens and minority groups against the need for order and defense of the society itself. One of the most obvious failures of this democratic system to pr...
On Crimes and PunishmentsCesare Beccaria(1764)Cesare Beccaria was an Italian legal reformer. He wrote On Crimes and Punishments during the Enlightenment in the 18th century (Kishlansky, Mark; Geary, Patrick; O'Brian, Patricia. Unfinished Legacy: A Brief History of Western Civilization, p.432, and ...
Five Important Events in History Essay #1. For all practical purposes, the Renaissance Early Modern Period is distinguished from other periods in European history almost entirely in intellectual or cultural terms. As far as larger historical patterns are concerned, the period is more or less consid...
Kel Hayes Ethnic Studies November 7, 2000 Summary Essay "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest tossed to me." These words welcomed millions of emigrants to the United...
Argentina Today Introduction Argentina, officially recognized as the Argentine Republic, is a South American country with a capitol named Buenos Aires. Within Latin America, the country of Argentina is second in size next to Brazil and fourth in population behind Brazil, Mexico, and Colombia. Thi...
What is the American Dream? I concluded the matter of dreaming about life\'s basics wants that are exclusive to North America. The American Dream is the following: Go to college, get a good job, and finally get your own family. If we think about it, the American Dream is indeed a UNIVERSAL DREAM. Th...
Bilingual Education = Unilingual Education Bilingual education in America is a sound idea, but it is not truly bilingual education, it is only bilingual for those who do not already speak English. America is a country with more and more cultures mixing together with different areas of America spe...
Red Summer 1919The Red Scare is about the period in the history of the United States immediately following WWI. The dates are approximately from the Armistice in November of 1918 to the collapse of hyperinflation in 1920. Within these two dates the country witnessed--not so much in rapid succession ...
Immigration has made America what it is today. The Germans, came in post revolutionary times, then the Irish, and finally the Italians, Jews, and Chinese. Now there's another minority group that's been immigrating to America. Immigrants from Mexico and Central America have been crossing the borde...
U.S. 1 E #1 Cultural cross-fertilization is the foundation on which the United States sits and has sat for hundreds of years. It is the mixing of cultures (English, African, Scots-Irish, Native American, etc.) that inevitably occurs when different groups of people live in t...
From the late nineteenth to the early twentieth century, Western nations including; Germany, Great Britian, France, and Italy, enrolled in a remarkably fierce period of imperial expansion. From the sixteenth to the eighteen centuries, there has been a on going fight for control over the new worl...
Thomas Jefferson was the third president of the United States. He was from Virginia and was one of the youngest men in Congress. He had only recently become involved in politics. John Adams, the delegate from Massachusetts, had years of experience. Jefferson thought it was only logical that the task...