286 Results for environment

Although resources are not the most important part of education, there are several components that help to develop an environment in which music flourishes. Like any other classroom, a music classroom should be equipped with basics such as a chalkboard and desks. The best chalkboards include secti...
Academic literacy has a great impact on how a person expresses and presents themselves in a scholastic environment. The tools to effectively read, write and critically think are skills that not only help a person in the scholastic environment but also in personal discovery. Through positive experien...
Competitive School EnvironmentsCompetition exists in many, many aspects of life, from sports, school, jobs, and even friends. In different situations competition is imperative and important and in other situations it can harm and be destructive. As a student a very competitive atmosphere is not a...
The environment around us controls who we are, what we do, and how we act. The individual may have a slight control of what they do but the over looking factor in them is the environment they are put in. We learn what to do and how to change our behavior due to what the environment puts forth.Free...
In Earth in the Balance, Vice President Al Gore said "the rescue of the environment the central organizing principle for civilization." In the past 150 years, earth's resources have been abused and people do not know how to deal with the effects of not treating the earth right. I...
In today's society, children's education becomes a very important concern for many parents. After living in this world for more than twenty years, parents know that education has great impacts on the lives of their children in many ways, and the amount of knowledge their children acquire from schoo...
Uniforms are commonplace in many important areas within society and are a source of affiliation and pride for those who wear them. Sport teams from house league to the professional level have uniforms. Medical professionals wear uniforms, as do public safety workers. Every school is a learning insti...
Imagine walking into a Pepto-Bismol pink pained room, walls lacking pictures and posters, and a teacher at their desk with a frown on their face, with a list of rules behind them long enough to touch the floor. More than likely spending eight months trying to learn in this environment would not b...
Single-Sex Schools Single-sex schooling, is it actually a better learning environment for students? For years, educators have searched for better and more effective ways of teaching students. Their efforts have resulted in the specialization of lessons according to the specific needs of differ...
EDUCATION PHILOSOPHY My education philosophy of teaching is meeting the needs of children as an individual. Making sure that the class is well equipped with everything the child needs to grow. Making the whole classroom accessible to the individual child, having no restrictions from the learn...
Learning involves changes in behavior resulting from observation and experience. It excludes behavior that is attributable to instinct such as breathing or temporary states such as hunger or fatigue. Interpreting and predicting enh...
Positive Side of Uniforms in Schools Coming to a uniform school can make some students angry or disappointed that they won't get to wear what they want to. In other works, many students despise the idea of uniforms. There is nothing wrong with their opinions, but in my experience school un...
Students with Special Needs in the Classroom Environment: Who Benefits? No topic has sparked as much recent controversy in the public school system as have equal education laws, particularly laws protecting the rights of students with disabilities. Before the passage of the Education for Han...
INTRODUCTION Jean Watson's Ten Carative Factors may be applied to teaching handicapped students and as well, these factors present a method of teaching that is likely to be successful and to instill self-dignity in handicapped students in the learning process. I. HUMANISTIC-ALTRUISTIC SYST...
In the middle of a crowded commercial area and a low-income housing subdivision sits Rincon High School. The students at Rincon test at slightly below average on the Iowa Basic Skills Test, a generalized knowledge exam given nationwide to all students every year. St. Gregory College Preparatory S...
Bridging the Gap Between Family and School As far back as we know family has been the primary source for learning. With learning, comes the time old tradition of family values and cultural practices that are taught by the family unit. Included in this unit are siblings, parents and other rel...
During my past learning experiences, I have found myself in many different learning environments. Many of my past learning experiences I can compare to the concepts in Paulo Friere's "The Banking Concept of Education". In many of the classroom experiences there is either a "banking" concept where yo...
(1) Teaching Philosophy (2) Educational Goals (3) Opportunities of Importance (1) Education is like gardening; it has its times of seeding and harvest. A gardener soon discovers that plants do not exist merely for us to impose our will on them. A good teacher, like a gardener, knows how to...
Equal V. Fair The United States of America was built on the foundation of equal opportunity and freedom. Throughout history, the ideals surrounding education and equality have been challenged. Brown V. Board of Education has served as a landmark for equal opportunity, in which the ...
Only a passionate learner can be a teacher. I want to be a partner with my students and parents to set an example that learning is a joyful and collaborative enterprise. My philosophy will be forever changing, always under review and revision while incorporating new ideas and experiences. However,...
History/Philosophy of Ed Educational Equality From the formation of the United States of America, equality has been regarded as an unalienable right given to all. It sounds nice but actually equality is something that Americans have had to fight for. When addressin...
Behavior Management Philosophy PaperINTRODUCTIONMy main goal as a teacher will be to establish and run a classroom in which the students take full responsibility for the environment they create for themselves and their peers. I want my students, from day one, to know that they have choices. Choices...
Against School Critique In John Taylor Grotto's Against School, he argues that the public schooling system cripples children. He makes arguments that the public schooling system suppresses children from learning at their maximum potential. He offers home schooling as an effective altern...
While observing the lab at DeVry in room 128 I have been able to give an observation on the room layout. There are 128 computers in the lab while the carpet color is mixed with blue, gray, violet, and tan. There are 4 printers in which everyone shares. The windows on the east side of the lab are f...
I believe the purposes of education are necessary for the child to live a successful life. Not only do children learn mathematics, science, history, or english at school, they also learn the social economics and the development of speaking. Everything taught in school will someday benefit the chil...