34 Results for internet

Mr. Speaker, distinguished members of the house, The opposition concedes that proctecting children and to enable adults to avoid material which offends their personal & community standards should be one of the goals of the government. Having said that, we must find realistic and practical sol...
Internet CensorshipIn the 1960's, the internet was established for the United States government to serve as a way for the armed forces to communicate. In the 1980's, the government expanded its use to the public. In the 1990's, use of the internet spread into schools and homes all across the count...
1,326,920,000, that is the number of web pages that are currently available to the public today. It could go up dramatically by the end of the week. With the internet becoming such a big part of our everyday lives, is it safe for everyone? Should such an un-regulated form of technology suddenly be r...
Internet Privacy This world today seems to have no privacy on the Internet, despite the Governments effort to help the consumer regain their privacy. In 1997 the government passed the Consumer Internet Privacy Protection Act. Through this bill, the consumer has the right to all information that an ...
The Children's Online Protections Act defined "material harmful to minors" as material "appealing to purient interests under current community standards; as depicting or describing sex acts, or a lewd exhibition of genitals or a woman's breasts; and as lacking 'serious literary, artistic, political ...
In a world of computers and the Internet, lack of privacy is rapidly becoming an immeasurable concern. Underestimation of the Internet as a dangerous resource is commonly apparent, as is the ignorance of an unlawful breach of privacy resulting from a bipolar hope of convenience and safety. I would v...
Did you know that you\'ve probably committed a computer crime, and might not even have known? In fact, you really don\'t have to know much about computers to commit a computer crime. Did you know every time you burn a CD you are committing a crime; or when you cut and paste a picture of text from th...
In 1948, George Orwell wrote a book with spine tingling insights into the future, 1984. This book did quite a number on the literate world. Many people read this book and became fearful of the year, 1984, when the government would take control of everything, including people's thou...
In the article "Student Disengagement in Higher Education", Eric Main argues that the cause of disengagement of students in higher education is caused in the author's opinion by two main players. One reason is the increase in the availability of the internet and other structural medi...
Two approaches have been used to control pollution? Government mandates and market incentives. Suggest how market incentives might be used to deal with a pollution problem in Las Vegas. I find this topic to be very interesting, not only because it concerns all of us living in Las Vegas, but beca...
Two approaches have been used to control pollution? Government mandates and market incentives. Suggest how market incentives might be used to deal with a pollution problem in Las Vegas. I find this topic to be very interesting, not only because it concerns all of us living in Las Vegas, but be...
Capital punishment is a very controversial topic because of all the different perspectives it could be viewed by. The use of capital punishment has been a permanent fixture in our society since early civilization. It has been used for various crimes ranging from the desertion of soldiers during wa...
"It is possible to commit an immoral act against a non-human animals." In order to commit an immoral act against a non-human animal, one must define the word "morality". According to the definition it means conformity to the rules of right conduct,. On the other hand immorality means wickedness or...
In the history impetus of man, civilization has progressed by the establishment of strong governments that have made the greatest contributions to society and the advancement of industrialism. These governments include Socialism, Communism, and the Constitutional Republic. All of these governments g...
The colony of Boston began to develop rapidly in the early 18th Century, and family life was no exception. Family life became a methodical process where each person, male and female, had a specific part that they filled to ensure the prosperity of the household. It was methods and procedures such ...
Cyberspace and the American Dream: "A Magna Carta of the Information Age" Though reading this article and the class discussions, I felt that this was a very interesting article. Here we strayed into a very grey area of today's cyberspace domain. How do we institute rules and regul...
When Globalization tried to makes it way into the world's economy people started to say that countries with nation-states would meet its demise. The key to avoiding taxes is through the Internet and this trend caught on quick. Nation-state systems are said to work better then other forms of gov...
In a country, the government is the one who controls and manage their people to become who they are. The government shaped its people to become productive and efficient by educating them. Education is the most important element and that's why the government had put its highest priority to it. ...
Drinking is a big problem that causes many teen-age deaths in the United States, however, many people still argue that the legal age for drinking should be reduced to eighteen. This issue has been brought up many times, but the law has not been changed since the change to twenty-one in 1980. States ...
One would think, after the 09/11 attacks against the world trade center and the pentagon, a liberal wouldn't believe in retaliation against Afghanistan because that would constitute perpetrating harmful acts. However the attacks of 09/11 were meant to cause terror, which is also considered a ha...
Civilization is defined as a relatively high level of cultural and technological development, but what does this really mean? This definition is relative to when and where you live. Someone living in Milwaukee today will have a different description of civilization than someone living in twelfth-cen...
Governmental Funding of Scientific and Technological Advancement Modern medicines have more than doubled our life expectancies just in the last few years. It has enabled children to receive vaccinations against diseases that once ensured a vast majority of infant mortalities. Without research ...
Hate that is based on race, religion, and sexual orientation can exist within any cultural rich society. When this type of hate fuels a person into taking violent actions upon those they hate, it is called a hate crime; a topic which the American public is seriously concerned about. It has been a ...
Cyber-SecurityReview and SummaryCondoleezza Rice, President George W. Bush's national security advisor said," The very technology that makes our economy so dynamic and our military forces so dominating also makes us more vulnerable."Recently, President Bush proposed $37.7 billion for Homeland Defens...
Part 1: Introduction: The growing use of surveillance cameras in today's society has lead to several privacy issues being raised. Nowadays, surveillance cameras are used not only by the government but also by individuals and other private firms. The use of such devices have become so commonl...