12 Results for robotics

The Self-Destruction of Humankind in R. U. R. In Karel Capek's play R. U. R. (Rossum's Universal Robots) the idealistic young Helena Glory arrives at the remote island factory of Rossum's Universal Robots, on a mission from a humanitarian organization devoted to liberating the Robots, ...
Steven Spielberg's Artificial Intelligence is a visually stunning and thematically complex film that asks deep questions about love and reality as man seeks to make himself in God's image. Through interactions with the artificial child and his "foster parents", the role of the mechas in so...
Human? The definition of human is a difficult one to compose. Every time humanity thinks it has figured out exactly how we are different than the rest of life on Earth, we figure out that other animals share the exact same attributes. At one point in time we thought that we were the only species...
What is the fundamental difference between robots and humans? A robot follows a program; a set of rules programmed in its core memory. This memory completely dominates the robot, affecting its every action. Like robots, humans adhere to certain rules, programmed in a small desolate place in their br...
Ever since the beginning of time, Man's lifelong quest is to improve himself, and to improve his status. What better way to do this than to attempt to imitate God? Due to the rapid pace it is progressing at, technology is beginning to put this ability in our hands. It was made to improve our...
In Aldous Huxley's "Brave New World" the setting is set many years into the future. This future describes a world where science and technology have been allowed to progress unchecked. There are no moral or spiritual obligations and the good of society is placed above individ...
Today, people are living in a technological advanced world, filled with medical breakthroughs, space travel, as well as computer advancements. Throughout the years, people have been rejoicing in our inventions and our evolution. So, how is it that with theses 'advancements' there is such...
Essay Conventional and Sterile Tuesday Nov. 07, 2000 It is my understanding that people grow up in a society of conventional and sterile ways of life. Some societies have a tendency to raise people to be similar in their way of thinking. People are educated to have the same morals, beliefs ...
Moral Universalism should be a worldview. I believe that it would be better for the human race to live in a world where moral universalism is the accepted worldview. I believe this because moral universalism almost offers the world a moral view that has no conflicts, no differences and has no bias...
Leona Walker Mr Knight DIS 2012 Christian Faith and Life FIT TO BE TIED Fit to Be Tied, Making Marriage Last A Lifetime, by Bill & Lynne Hybels is about practical advice drawn from personal experiences from the authors own lives and experiences in the how to make...
'Humans and replicants are more alike than they are different'. Discuss.Replicants are an artificial life form, created to be stronger, harder working, more intelligent and to have super-natural or paranormal strengths and abilities. However, in many cases, humans and replicants are more alike than...
In Jane Eyre, religion is embraced through a series of spiritual explorations. Bronte portrays Jane's character and zest for religion by revealing Jane's transitions from Gateshead to Lowood, Lowood to Thornfield, and Thornfield to Moor House. Jane ultimately rejects everyone of these organized sty...