38 Results for internet

I work at Infowest, Utah's second largest Internet service provider, where I am a server administrator and webmaster. I frequently handle customer service questions, especially when our technicians are indisposed on other phone calls. I have frequently received calls like this one: Caller: Why...
Internet CensorshipCensorship is a rising problem in today's society. Currently the Internet is in a censorship web of its own. People argue that censoring the Internet is wrong and violates the first amendment that states, "Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech." But other peop...
SEX, DRUGS, and ANARCHY! Now, that I have your attention, we can talk about Internet censorship. Inappropriate material will always be on the internet, and there is no way to completely hide it. All this censorship will damage the atmosphere of the freedom to express ideas on the Internet; theref...
Internet CensorshipThe Internet is a wonderful place of entertainment and education, but like all places used by millions of people, it has some murky corners people would prefer children not to explore. In the physical world, society as a whole wants to protect children, but there are no social or ...
An Opinion on Internet CensorshipThe controversy over censoring the Internet is a subject with relevant argumentson both sides but just as with any form of media or expression, it deserves thefreedom to be presented to the public as a whole. There is no true harm insupplying the population with suc...
In the 1960s, the U.S government created a ARPANET network, which was used "to test methods of enabling computer networks to survive military attacks, by means of the dynamic rerouting of messages" (The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001, par. 4). In 1990, Hypertext Markup Language...
Censorship and the InternetI do not feel that censorship on the internet is a good thing. It has been two-hundred and nine years since the Bill of Rights was ratified. I doubt that our Founding Fathers ever imagined the changes that would come over our country. Although the Constitution has held up ...
What is a child-friendly community? According to Children\'s Commissioner Robin Sullivan, it is \"one which values and respects children and caters for the diversity of their cultural backgrounds and circumstances. It recognizes the impact of political, social and economic decisions on children and ...
Net Censorship Most of us have used it. Most of us find it useful. Some of us find it entertaining. Some of us find it offensive. "It" is the Internet. The Internet has dramatically changed our society. It brings together people and their ideas from all around the world in a s...
The Internet is a wonderful place of entertainment and education, but like allplaces where people conspire, there are some corners that people would prefer childrennot to explore. World society as a whole attempts to protect children, yet there are norequired technological constraints to Internet s...
Internet CensorshipIn the 1960's, the internet was established for the United States government to serve as a way for the armed forces to communicate. In the 1980's, the government expanded its use to the public. In the 1990's, use of the internet spread into schools and homes all across the count...
The Children's Online Protections Act defined "material harmful to minors" as material "appealing to purient interests under current community standards; as depicting or describing sex acts, or a lewd exhibition of genitals or a woman's breasts; and as lacking 'serious literary, artistic, political ...
All ideas, bad and good, should be subject to public scrutiny. No idea is so dangerous that it must be suppressed. Therefore, speech must never be banned because of its persuasive or emotive impact. I believe the more controversial, the better, because it has more of an impact on those that see or h...
The 1st Amendment and our Rights Freedom of Speech, freedom of expression, both oral and written, from governmental prior restraint, except as such expression constitutes libel, slander, obscenity, sedition, or criminal conduct such as bribery, perjury, or incitement to riot. In the U.S., this...
"Why the Internet Should be Censored" Censorship, just the mention of the word alone, to some people, seems to threaten or somehow put into jeopardy our freedom of speech which we so dearly treasure and believe to be our innate right as citizens of the United States. Many flag w...
First Amendment ; Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances. Th...
Censorship, is it necessary in society today? Some feel that all negatives should be blocked out, others feel that there should be no freedoms at all. I feel that censorship should is necessary, but in the correct areas and with limitations. In regards to literature, in any form, I feel that only bo...
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of Religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech," this Amendment is the most important part of the constitution. Without free speech, we the people of the United States would not be able to sp...
In today's society the media play an important role. People mostly use the press, the tadio, television and the internet as a great source of information and entrtainment. Every day different broadcasters are trying to produce something new, something that will shock, amaze or enertain the publ...
Censorship of pornography continues to be a controversial issue; many arguments have been generated by this topic. I believe that censorship of pornography is wrong. Pornography is simply a depiction in words or pictures of sexual activity. Advocates of pornography claim it is a form of sex discri...
In the article "Student Disengagement in Higher Education", Eric Main argues that the cause of disengagement of students in higher education is caused in the author's opinion by two main players. One reason is the increase in the availability of the internet and other structural medi...
The media provide our access to news and information. The citizens of a nation need to stay informed and thus come to trust the media that brings the news and information they desire without fear that it is a lie, an agency of an evil foreign power or in any other way not the closest to the truth po...
Technology and communication have grown because of the evolution of computers. Now, people are able to receive broad and various information on the Net. As the number of population on the web increase, an interesting issue regarding whether pornography on the net without censor is an harmful act to ...
Censorship is the examination of material for objectionable matters. It is used to keep material from influencing people the wrong way. Different people often see things differently. Under pressure, political and social systems are suppressing creative thoughts. This is being brought against the edu...
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of Religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech," this Amendment is the most important part of the constitution. Without free speech, we the people of the United States would not be able to speak openly...