31 Results for action movie

"An entertainment is something which distracts us or diverts us from the routine of daily life. It makes us for the time being forget our cares and worries; it interrupts our conscious thoughts and habits, rests our nerves and mind, though it may incidentally exhaust our bodies. Art, on the oth...
Pay It Forward is a movie based on a novel written by Catherine Ryan Hyde. It is a movie about a social studies teacher giving his class an assignment, encouraging them to change the world into a better place to live in, and to fill the world with love. Trevor McKinney proposes the idea of 'pa...
I have chosen the movie Kids to analyze. I picked this film because of the important messages it relays to viewers. This is the first movie that has been able to realistically depict the lives of white urban youth. It is a real eye-opener for parents and a majority of the older generations. The...
It's always hard to remake a movie that has achieved classic status, as is the case with the 1950 movie DOA. But Annabel Jankel and Rocky Morton's 1988 remake of the film breathes new life into it. The basic question that must be posed to the directors of any remake is: Why bother' Why not...
Movies play a major role in our lives. This form of art is designed to educate and entertain our souls. There are different types of movies; comedy ,drama, action, romance and etc. A large number of movies are very creative and interesting, while other are a joke. This essay will examine the good, b...
Macbeth EssayAs I first started to watch the movie, "Macbeth," I thought that it would be boring, poorly acted, and not truly portray the play. I knew I had made my decision too quickly as the movie proceeded; and by the end of the movie I was mesmerized by the quality of the actors, ho...
Plot Summary:Well I saw just over half the movie, but this is what happened. The movies goes back and forth between England and France during the brutal times of the French Revolution. I think most the action a saw took place in Paris, France. Charles Darnay, a major character in this movie is a tut...
Over all the critics rather enjoyed this film just like any movie it did although have is flaws. Mostly critics liked the film "the script is well-written and the central character is strongly developed" (James Berardinelli 5). This shows that was the most talked about par...
The world was amazed when the first motion picture was made. People came from all over the world to see the first silent movie. Again, people were astonished when they added sound. Finally, when people were able to bring this technology home with them, they were in awe. Every...
This fell into the top three movies we have watched so far in class. Although it may have lacked simple pleasures such as a well orchestrated sound track, or even the minor detail of color, this movie delivered its message directly to the viewer. There was no need to cut away the fat to see the ...
Could a movie really capture what a novel is trying to say? I think most people agree that a book is always better than the movie version. For over 70 years, screenwriters have been using literature to create its masterpieces and flops alike. According to film critic Frank McConnel, "Films are ...
Since the beginning of the silver screen actors have portrayed characters to bring stories from print to life for the viewers. In the 1995 movie, Sense and Sensibility there were several standout characters, but one of the most effective jobs was done by actress Kate Winslet who played Marianne Dash...
I saw this movie on October first at my home. I decided I was in the mood to watch a B-movie, since I haven't seen one in awhile. Sidney W. Pink wrote and directed this movie. Two other films he directed were Journey to the seventh planet (1962) and Finger on the Trigger (1965). The story ...
In this very updated version of the well beloved children's classic " The Wizard of Oz," movie watchers are transported to a world of music, neat special effects, eye-popping costumes, and a fantastic retelling of the tale of the wonderful wizard of Oz. "The Wiz" is one of ...
Arrogance and lack of respect, the two most publicly displayed attributes of a teenager. It is the beginning of a great evening as we sit down for a night at the movie theater. A new release that is sure to be nominated for some kind of movie award at the end of the year. As we move our way into t...
Dealing with Drugs My mother knew sports were the most important thing in my life. She tried to use my love of sports to keep me away from drugs. She told me drugs would keep me from performing at my best when I played football. But I had been reading the sports page since I was a little kid. I...
Much Ado About Nothing is perhaps William Shakespeare\'s most depressing comedy. Although it is ultimately uplifting, throughout the play there are themes that are also prevalent in such devastating tragedies as Romeo and Juliet and Othello. Trickery, deceit, and death are woven throughout this smar...
Shakespeare: In Love and Reality According to Jeremy Giltzer, Hollywood has "turned to history to create inspired moments of action, drama, and patriotism." It has "provided the movies with some of the most climatic moments and colorful characters imaginable," while making co...
Casting of the Romeo and Juliet William Shakespeare, sixteenth century poet, is present in almost all aspects of our society. He can be found in our textbooks, on television, and in our theaters. His plays portray our life and our culture. They are performed around the w...
A Passage to IndiaWhen novels are turned into movies, each is subject to instant criticism. They are readily compared to one another. Not having read A Passage to India puts us at a disadvantage in comparing the novel and the film. Instead, we have to trust that David Lean's interpretation of For...
Flowers for Algernon Critique Have you ever wanted something so bad you'd sacrifice your life to have it; even if just for a moment? Charlie Gordon, played by Robert Masucci did just that. Charlie has a learning disability but gets a chance to alter his I.Q. substantially through operati...
1) What was the play about? (brief synopsis) Mr. Kipps, the protagonist, has engaged a professional actor to help him learn to act out and reveal his play onstage to his family and friends. By the second act, a shy, timid, and nervous Kipps transforms into the superior actor. At this point, t...
Throughout the history of the cinema, there have been many films which have revolutionized the media. However, there are some cases where films are so entertaining, many forget just how revolutionary it actually was. This is what happened to Robert Zemeckis' Who Framed Roger Rabbit. The film has ...
Eric SwansonFilm as ArtFebruary 14,2001Prof. GuggenheimerESSAY # 3: I am choosing to trace the career of either Julia Roberts or Robert DeNiro. I am having trouble deciding which actor, since they are both my utmost favorite. I plan on reassessing the role he/she plays over again and coming up wi...
Ballyhoo is a play about a Jewish family in the south around Christmas. The play takes place in a house, mainly in one room, the family room. There are four people who live in the house. A working man who looks to be in his early fifties, his sister who is probably in her late forties, her daughte...