22 Results for cell phones

The Digital Revolution is upon us. People, as a whole, have become so dependent on digital technology that they would not know how to survive without it. I went without a cell phone up until about two to three years ago. I thought that I didn't need a portable telephone. My thought process ...
As the motors screamed down the road, I couldn't keep focused. My eyes started to quiver and my head started to spin but I had victory in my mind and that is what kept me going. I tried to breath but pressure had its grip on me, my heart ached as if something was going to hit me straight on. ...
During these past few weeks as an RM there hasn't been that many issues that I have dealt with myself in the hall or even on my floor. Two "issues" that's did come up were the propping of the door and beer cans that were left outside the recycling room. I dealt with both situat...
The Voice MessageAs I lay under my warm cotton flannel sheets that Sunday night, I pondered the reason why my cell phone had not rung the entire day. I had a strange premonition that something wasn't exactly right, so my instincts told me to investigate. I struggled getting out of the comfortable ...
As I sit here and finish off is case of Old Style (a classic beer), I think about the first beer I ever had. Can you remember the first beer you ever had? I can, back in 4rth grade summer splitting a 6 pack with me and my homies, keeping it real of coarse. Nothing could beat those good old days...
Dear English Portfolio Committee: It is very difficult to admit that English Comprehension and writing are my least favorite subjects. After twelve years of schooling, I thought my ability to put a cohesive thought on paper would have been accomplished so when I found out that I needed to take rem...
My friend, Jayce, has a complex. Would have probably been the first words out of my mouth had I ever been caught in public hanging around with Jayce and his girlfriend, Renee. Why these words spilling out you might ask? Well, she was three years younger than he was. Which wouldn't have been...
The Power of one? One what? Think about it. The power of a song, the power of a group, the power of one person or even the power of one feeling. Even a gadget such as a cell phone or a stereo system might have a tremendous power on a person. One of anything could be a powerful, exciting or even m...
Do Drinking and Driving Infomercials Really Work? There are always campaigns and commercials about not drinking and driving, but do these infomercials really pay off? As a teenager, I watch television quite often. I see these commercials about drinking and driving and never really thought twice ...
What the $#@!" is a phrase that you will more than likely catch yourself saying more than once during your driving career. There are some crazy drivers out there in today's world, and if you're not aware of them you could find yourself in court trying to defend yourself from getting a ticket...
I think forgiveness is learned throughout life. Living through and learning to get over it and move on. I am not one to want to live my life full of anger. You will always come across people that upset you some how and it is just not worth you "hating" them. Personally, I learned forgiv...
I hop into the passenger's side of my best friend's car and simultaneously buckle my seatbelt and crank up the A.C. Matt and I begin to laugh about how we're never going to find a summer job that pays more than seven dollars an hour. I can hardly even see him through my squinted eye...
There was an article written by Brad Darrach regarding a robot, named Shakey, which was built by The Stanford Research Institute. Shakey possessed human qualities such as reason and understanding and the article posed the question is Shakey a person? Well to answer this we must first define what a...
Gender Benders The discussion about the differences between men and women has always been a tender subject. In addition to the obvious differences between the two sexes, such as anatomy and appearance, men and women are also on two different emotional and mental wavelengths. Men have always be...
Impossible Loneliness Often times I like to think of my self as being alone with my thoughts. Sometimes you have to get away and think about life and its ups and downs. But then again, in today's world can one really ever be completely alone and free? When looking over Donne's assert...
I'm 16 years old, It is April and the spring's incense is gliding through the air. I can feel the breeze push through my hair, keeping my eyelids far from closing. It was the most beautiful day of the year, and I remember lying near my pool feeling luxurious and relaxed. I felt the way ev...
This story was good because of the suspense the man has when he doesn't know what is going on with his wife. After his wife heard what happened to her family, being sent to prison, she got really nervous. But I think the moral of the story is that when something critical happens you are never ...
In Japan, there is an annual ceremony called the Coming of Age Day. It is held on the second Monday in January, for those becoming 20 years old. The day is a national holiday and some ceremonies take place by local government. Everyone attends ceremonies, dressing up with formal clothes. Some wear t...
It was June 2008. Kathy, Zach, Danny, Nika and I just returned from the annual family reunion. It was mid-day when we arrived. I pulled in the drive, and said "Man, am I sure glad to be home". Kathy turned to me and said, "Me too!" The kids got out, and grabbed a few things to start u...
Major Loss Paper My aunt, Ellen was fifty three years old when she died in May of this year. Her death was not traumatic, but it was fairly unexpected. We knew she was unhealthy, but she did not tell anyone about the seriousness of her illness. She didn't tell anyone that she had a speci...
My life is one ironic tragedy after another. I always seem to find myself telling friends stories of mishaps and misfortunes. Even events that should have or could have come out great suddenly have a bizarre and ironic twist to it, as if Murphy had his law tattooed on my head with an invisible ink, ...
The Cancer ProphecyCancer, the untamed disease that infects our mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, uncles, aunts, and grandparents. Doctors tell you if you eat certain food items and vitamins that it can be prevented. Do you believe them? You hear about it on television, the radio, and just about ...